

Ask @KirstenMallaburn

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Opinions on me:)

Megan livesey
you're such a lovely person and great to be around. you're so down to earth and always here for me whenever I need someone to speak to :) you're absolutely beautiful and we definitely need this girly night that we was debating to plan ages ago ;) pop up sometime, always here x
Liked by: Megan livesey

Opinion on aids

just generally a lovely person to be around. been such good friends for five years, gutdog we've left now though!;( we've had plenty of ups and downs throughout the years but always made friends in the end. we have had such daft memories together "oh crimes" omfg I still piss myself to this day at that hahaha!! do miss our English lessons, that was the gossip lesson that;) was weird seeing you so small from year seven then like shoot right up way taller then me in the last year, fuck being a short arse!:')) gonna miss ya aids, best stay in touch ya grondu!x
Liked by: Aids

you're absolutely gorgeous!!!! and you're figure, oh myyyy! always have proper deep conversations whenever we speak ;-) ahaha, you're always there to listen tho!! you're a fab friend, absolutely great person you xx

awwww loz!!!:D thank you beautiful xxx

Opinion on meeee x

lavinia mallaburn
gay. as. fuck! JUST KIDDING BABY!!!! I miss you ever so much an I cannot wait until Christmas to see you along with everybody else again!:D we've had sooooo many memories together vin! remember that time at grandads with me you, cal, Liam, keane, Tyler and we over fed the fish;) that was hilarious!!!! and having a dance competition with grandad;) bloody hell! and when I came up last summer for the whole 6 weeks was fantasticccc!:D you laugh at everything/anything literally!;) your beautiful, so jealous of your hair too! want want want want!!! and your eyes are to die for! your absolutely perfect! you have one of the best personalities going, bubbly to be around and always up for a giggle! miss an love you lots Lavinia x x x x
Liked by: lavinia mallaburn

Opinion on me kirst

AIDAN! such a great person to be around, always have a smile on your face:) your there for me with advice and to help me out if I'm stuck. your such a bad loser in badminton;))) we fair tanned Leah's and Connors arse though, gotta admit;) been good friends with you for a good amount of years now, had some right laughs with you and the rest in English ect;) you constantly talk about football, omg blag;)) your just generally a fab person to be around and get along with! hehe:) x
Liked by: Aids

opinions on ma best mate lucy x

"Lucy is a slut every day" remember that luc??;) you're fab!!! gotten very close to you recently, so glad we have! your such a lovely girl to get along with, great company, always bubbly and always up for a good laugh!:) your great with advice and there for me when I'm down. you're absolutely beautiful, and your figure is perfect!!!!!!!:( you're perfect! known you for about 4 years I'd say now, bloody hell!;) GOING TO SEE JASON DERULO WITH YOU NEXT YEAR 27TH OF MARCH SO EXCITED!!!! djakcohjenanhch!!!! I love you lots and lots an I'm always here for ya baby!xxxxx
Liked by: Lucy Day

opinion on max smith x

grown up with max throughout my childhood:) always used to be the popular footballer in primary school, all the girls loved you;) I can remember when Mr B cut out something green and stuck it on your head and called you a tomato hahah omd's!:'D we've had loads of eventful times together in school. your such a lovely person to get along with, great with advice and always there for people when needed:) haven't seem you for ages man!
Liked by: Max Smith

Opinion on Thommy Cryer ?

thommy? hahahah *tommy;)
he's oreyt I guess. can be a twat at times but yeah he's sound:)))


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