

Ask @KoKoKardashOdom

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And then travel with you to Paris and give you a kiss under the eifel tower!


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I didn't sterotype you, and just show you my support about stereotype,I have nothing to do with the person who wrote those stupid things,about the italian ppl! I hate stereotype!

Ohhhh lol! Sorry I read that wrong! Yeah I dont see the point its ridiccc!

That Hitler comment is so uncalled for. It is rude and another stereotype. Not every German is like Hitler. People are so uneducated and I think it is time to them to open up a fucking textbook. Back way back in the old days they weren't worrying about tanning.


i'm from middle-east,ppl have a lot stereotypes about us and i hate it :( ! the stereotypes sucks!

IDC where your from i'm not stereotyping you so why should you stereotype me?

Why the fuck are all you anuses obsessed with Nicole's heritage, mind your fucking business. It doesn't matter if she is black, brown green or fucking purple she has a wonderful personality and she is funny as hell so leave her alone

Thankkkk yaaa!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah i can't stop laugh at this ' Italian girls and Armenian girls are one of the prettiest ever! ' ..you are not even a full blood italian !

Basicallly am.

I'm just saying not every Italian looks like one of the workers who popped out of Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory

You clearly are tho. Over the summer I get so tan...stop being so fucking sterotypical.

you should go tanning! so you supposed be italian and waht else?i bet you are irish,you look like them!

Eww no, tanning doesn't make you Italian. & sorry no I am def not Irish.

To the uneducated person down below . Nicole does not have to be orange to be Italian.And for the GTL thing I'm sure she does do laundry because she wouldnt walk around with dirty clothes. How the fuck is she going to tan and it's could as hell and maybe she does go to the gym but you wouldnt know.



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