
Kristen Petta

Ask @KristenPetta

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If you had three wishes, what would they be?

meet jb, so i can ask him why hes a dick, meet miley cyrus, aaaaand, um MAGIC! i want to be able to waive my hand and my hw to be done and other shit like that

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do u have a crush on Marc Grovar...?

what the fuck?! noooo! hes like a big brother to me!!!! and u spelled him last name rong! its Grover... (-_-)

You spelt MINE wrong In your Instagram username

ik i did i did it on purpose :P im glad im making u upset bitch :P sorry i love the way i spelt MYNE! bye nigga

I think I have sen ur dad before. but idrk if it was him, so what does he look like?

um ok...? nice that u have seen my dad before?? But this is himmm..

Do you regret anything?

yes... I regret messing up my friendship between @hayli8 (Hayley Russell) and I...because, she was the most amazing, caring, loving person in the world! I loved like a freakin sister...I don't have one bad thing to say about her! not one! But I ruined it all because I opened my mouth! and I lost everything. I regret many things, but when I say that this is the biggest thing that I will ever regret, I mean it. I hope in the future that she will forgive me and we can atleast be friends, ot the best of friends, but friends, where we can talk to eachother normally and have a civil friendship. :) Love u nikka!


Language: English