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How to keep a long distance relationship intact?

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I think it's the love and hope that keeps someone going in a long distance relationship, though to keep it intact means to stay loyal, honest, and giving each other enough "quality time" to keep the spark alive.
Long distance relationships can only work once you sure that no matter what, it's that one person you need above everything and everyone else. It's more about faith than facts.
1. If the relationship matters, the distance doesn't.
2. Trust more doubt less.
3. Talk through all the struggles and hard feelings.
4. Share all the things that happened in your life.
5. Make time for each other.
6. Always remember he/she is worth the wait.
Long distance relationships are hard but they are incredible. If you can love, trust, respect and support each other from a distance then you'll be unstoppable once you are together 💫♥
Long distance relationships are rarely successful. You cannot expect loyalty from every person. I have absolutely no idea of how to make long distance relationships work. All I've ever recieved is betrayal. :)
keep meeting each other until times runs out.♥️if not then there's no point to be in this relation it dont workout well. Rest i gotta say its damn difficult to keep a long dist. :)

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