
Kyler Friesner

Ask @KylerFriesner

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u can just be friends i was jw. chill. i never accused, just asked. and thats what i thought anyways.

alright sorry i just hate that shit. ppl always think bcu a guy and girl are friends that shit is going down.
Liked by: Justin Anken

is darcy your best friend? or are u guys like fwb? jw, cuz i saw u guys together and it could go both ways.

uhm definately just good friends. this is why i hate ppl. im not allowed to be friends with a girl without there being more to it? i have a girl.
Liked by: Justin Anken

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you fucked your gf of 5 days? true loooove

first off i never said when it happened. second of all we've been on and off for a year and a half so stfu.

You don't even know what love is.

i didnt until her. but thanks for letting me know what i do and do not know. :) bye now

You guys break up and get back together every few fucking days. It's clearly not going to work out so stop trying to make it happen.

sorry we actually love eqchother. couples fight. but unfortunately we break it off when we fight. if you get that annoyed seeing it all the time then delete me off shit. idc.


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