Lily Smith


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Dang! Why not master perstige like this kid???

Cause im not a noob who thinks if you're a high level that means your better (-:

Religion wise...like where do you stand

Christian. but i havent been going to church for about a year, and i aint as close to god as i would like to be.

If I wasn't shy I wouldn't have even got on this thing ?

Well theres no need in being shy i mean Im going to talk to ya either way

Well if you figure it out you're more than welcome to @ me ?

I dont want to be wrong tho. Just DM & make it simple

Aren't we all...? well I may DM you sometime but I'm sure it's not who you were expecting or hoping for ?

well i only follow a few people from BC so :-P

Yeah I don't even go to your school, just keep your head up. It won't be long till someone (if someone already isn't) is head over heels for you

Lol what school ya go to ?


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