
Lachlan M.

Ask @LachlanMitchell

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Tbh: Your tan is out of this world. You dress classy and I like your eyes. You're also nice so bless you. Rate: 9.5 (Your booty game is so strong)

Jahaha you can hit dis booty anytime!! And by hit I mean slapp hahaha

What is your attitude to smoking?

Smoking weed like once a week I am for but if you do it a lot I ain't down with that. Smoking cigarettes is just plain fucking stupid. And lastly I love me some cigars so have at the shit all you want.
Liked by: Alex Buckley

20 confessions

1) I am obsessed with apples.
2) I don't want go to college but rather travel the world.
3) I am obsessed with sharks.
4) I am a horrible speller.( ask Melanie)
5) I was an asshole last year but I am trying to be nicer.
6) I don't really see the point in high school I think they should have just a 6 year college.
7) The movie 21 was based of my dad's card counting team.
8) If I get anything below a B my dad grounds me.
9) I fell more natural in water than on land.
10) I am in love with BMW M3's.
11) I get annoyed when I see over weight people I don't know why.
12) I never wanted to drink it smoke but I sometimes do it when I am at a party.
13) My mom is the coolest person in the world.
14) I have scars in my arm from my sister.
15) I dislike my sister with a passion.
16) I want to travel around Africa meeting everyone I can.
17) I want to have 2 children.
18) I don't really have a big drive to rich.
19) My dad's grandparent are one of the wealthiest families in Australia but my dad didn't want any of it.
20) I am getting this tattoo when I turn 16.

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