
Lady Frostine

What is your favorite thing about summer?

Summer clothes and swimming and Royal Danish ice cream, but I prefer winter. I cannot deal with the heat. I hate always being sweaty and not being able to cool down.
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Latest answers from Lady Frostine

What is your most and least favourite part of cosplay?

My most favourite would be the crafting of the armour and props and my least favourite is between pattern making for sewing purposes and priming and painting.

What is something you hope is invented during your lifetime?

Proper integrated virtual reality like in Accel World or interactive hologram computer systems, like Tony Stark has in Iron Man. :-D My life would be complete!

Aren't you worried that appearing in a pin-up calendar could screw up your chances of getting professional work?

Well I guess I don't have to worry about it since I'm not in a pin-up calendar.

Would you rather continue your life as it is or start it over?

I dream of starting over, but it's just not that simple. I'd rather keep the life I have and work on a daily basis to better myself and thus better my life. I might not have the perfect foundation, but I put a lot of work into it already and I'd rather keep building on it.

What would you want for Christmas/the Festive Season a) if you celebrate and b), if you were asked to give suggestions to friends and family?

Tim Morty
Books! Books, books and more books. One can never go wrong with buying someone a book. :-D

How do you make friends?

Morgane Leleux
With great difficulty. I don't really have friends though. I try to connect with people but I feel awkward and out of place and maybe like a slight nuisance, so I just give up eventually. :-( It sucks majorly though.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear/read the word "protest"?

Morgane Leleux
I see a crowd of people rioting to get their opinions heard. I see a crowd of people who don't think of their actions and what consequences might result from it. I see chaos and destruction. That's mostly what comes to mind.

Language: English