

Ask @LadyNoremon

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What is the major problem in your city?

I live outside of a rural town. Bridgetown has become mostly a retirement town, and there isn't a lot for younger people around it. Especially jobs. Also vandalism & theft is a big thing here. Our school takes kids other schools don't want and they wreck things. I went for a bike ride and was going to stop into East End Market for a drink, and kids on the steps said they'd steal my bike if I left it. And skateboarders on the library steps this summer ran my mother off the ramp to the book deposit, and banged on her car (I called the police after we drove off).

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Do you prefer talking or texting?

Talking or physical letters. But text-messaging is easier when I'm upset since my voice tends to crack.

Are you a shopaholic?

No, I like buying thinhs when I have extra money, but I am terribly at spree/spur-of-the-moment shopping. I will decide to not buy something if it isn't on sale or the price seems too high. Like I'll hum-and haw over stuff too much.

If you feel stressed what would you do to reduce it?

I usually have a long bath, or watch 'popcorn' shows on my DVD player.

What's your first memory of dancing with someone?

I used to dance in groups with NOSCO & such. But with just one person, I remember being at my ex's house and he was playing "Nothing Else Matters". He made a comment that it was a slow song. I suggested dancing. He acted like it was stupid, but stood-up anyway. And we slow danced for it. It was warm & nice.
Liked by: Limeade Youth

What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

I really like the ocean & sunlight reflecting off it. I also love greenhouses, and paintings.

What does your last text message say?

Received: I wonder how the cats are at the clothing store" | Sent: Whatever you want! I am just happy to have a break and hang-out.

what are you doing up this late?

LimeadeYouth’s Profile PhotoLimeade Youth
I was up the other night because someone I trusted, had confided a lot in, & had felt safe about decided to remove me without a word. And when I asked his partner responded instead. His partner said it was just because he was archiving his account, and went on about how I was such a good friend. But a lot of things they mentioned didn't even apply to me, so it felt like they didn't even know who I even was. So it made me feel even worse, and bit like I had been ganged-up on. Anyway that person had been my friend for almost 4 years (Hell, I'd just sent a gift for his household the week before), and having had similar experiences to me I felt like he'd never drop me. There are very few people I feel that way about and have safety with. And the archive thing also was a lie to keep me quiet because that person has since went around removing on other accounts, and again without a word. I'm probably not worth a word. But besides from that I was up so late because I felt bad for ignoring his wife when she replied to some of my tweets. She's having a very hard time now, but I wasn't doing it to be mean. I have just been scared she'd remove me too. Like it's as if any last safe feelings I had were broken, so there's no reason for her not to too. And I've felt bad for ignoring her, but I guess it's been a bit of if I'm not as attached, it won't hurt as much. But that's rubbish, because I love my friends terribly (probably more than they do me). And I really admire her. The other night I was up because I felt bad, was upset about other things too, and was debating sending her a letter to apologise/explain. Because letters are personal and we are are both people. And with personal letters there is less chance I'll get yelled at/pounced on. I find online people too easily become not people. That they are considered just user-names, and there isn't an actual person behind it. So no-one is hurt if they get ignored, belittled, or disposed of. And that's not how I feel about my online friendships! Which is why it -hurts- so much when people I care about decide to eradicate me & things I have done/put effort into. Anyway all of this has been really bothering me and I couldn't get settled because of it the other night.

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Liked by: Limeade Youth

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

It depends why they are there. I like that a lot of the Oaklawn ones are there because of injuries or too much human contact. Like the bald eagles flew into electrical wires and that's why they are there. Also zoos provide some preservation for endangered species (some species only exist in captivity now). I don't agree with how shadier zoos get animals though, from pouchers & the black-market. But for injured or compromised animals, zoos are about the only way they'd survive.

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

My youngest adoptive sister. Followed by the middle adoptive sister. I even caught her talking with a friend on the telephone about -my monthly cycle- once :[

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

I wouldn't want to live forever! I think 23 was a good age though.

Do you have a blog?

My LiveJournal is about all I have for one. But it feels pointless to update it, so I haven't been. I might upload Oaklawn Farm Zoo pictures though.


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