

Ask @LanaDegroote

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Np :) oh no I'm not ;) thanks hun! You're welcome, glad to hear that, if you need me you can say that, always<3

yes you are! & you're welcome! there should be more people like you live on this planet, you are the best <3

Oh c: thanks for not giving up! Just a person who tried to help Ilse, you've asked her a few times<3

oh thanks! you are such a perfect person! if you need me i'm here for you! thanks for everything, it means a lot to me <3

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Yeah I understand that that really hurts a lot.. One day you'll find the person who you really deserve, I promise! But then you must promise me that you won't give up, okay? You're welcome Lana, you're welcome<3

omg so sweet! :o thanks i won't give up. i really want to know who you are :( <3

You know you've got friends right after you, at the background, do you know? You can't see them, but believe me; you really have them, they exist. Know the difference between real friends and fake friends ;)<3

i know a lot of these "friends" are fake thats for sure but it hurts a lot when you give you're life for someome who doesn't even gives a fuck about you.. but thanks for making my day, you are so sweet! :o i love you, i really do! <3

Gwn geloven, ik meen het.. dus denk niet dat je da niet bent!<3

its hard to believe that someone really needs me because all "my friends" i thought i had, just let me down they just don't need me urgh hate this feeling :( maar dankje! dit is heel erg lief van je <3

Fijnn , gaje lana keer me rust late wtf.. iedereen is mooi op zn eige manier oke.. wel laag daje anoniem komt hate ze. stomme kinders

is lief dankje! wie ben je? x

spring van een brug ofzo da zou beter zijn vind ik

als jij dat vind is dat uw probleem eh ik heb u waarschijnlijk niks misdaan dus wat is het probleem? btw ooit geleerd wat respect is? zoiets zeg je gewoon niet.. uw ouders zullen zeker en vast trots op je zijn denk je niet?

zeker he? you can tell me everything :) x

dream. ♥
aww zo lief van u! :) jij kan ook altijd bij mij terecht he :) & ja zeker, ik los dit wel op maar ik vind het super lief van u dat je er voor me bent echt dankje lieverd x
Liked by: dream. ♥


Language: English