
Lana P

NO LAN I DON'T NEED ANY DOCTORS TO CURE ME! LET ME BE OVEDOSE! ALL I NEED IS EXO I DON'T MIND BEING OVERDOSE!! *overdose sm gilak emg beda tipis* eh btw kemaren lo jadi ikut sm audition sih? ternyata temen gue ada yg ikutan jg dia nyanyi hahaha

anisnovia’s Profile Photoannisa novia
FOR GOD SAKE, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN?! Lemme tell you, lo itu sebenernya not in the 'overdose' state tapi in 'normally insane' alias emang udah gilak xD. Gak jadi. Kampret! Kuotanya kepenuhan hahaha aing bat, gue gedek karna gak sempet ikutan. mendingan kalah di medan pertempuran dari pada gak sempet ikut perang kan T_T terus kata temen lo audisinya gimana?
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Latest answers from Lana P

Do you have a kind of inspirational quote or something that motivate you the most to reach your life goals? Do you mind to share? Thanks a lot! 😊😊

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
Halo Firda cantik, here is a quote i came to love lately 'Prove them wrong' it's more of a principle rather than quotes yeah? It's quite powerful for me tho. Here are another one "Rather than looking for the best person in my life, i'm more focus on being the best version of me" -- this quote was said by Kim Kibum from SHINee in 2011 if i'm not wrong
"There is no shortcut to perfection, all it takes is just hard work and more hard work" --Kim Jonghyun from SHINee

Kak, pernah gabut nggak?

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
Wah aku baru liat, maafin cantiiikk~
Pernah, sampe sekarang sering gabut di kampus. Harus apalah hidup di Indonesia ini T__T

If you could choose a special talent, what would you pick?

if being humorous is count as a special talent i will choose that

seandainya kakak dikasi kesempatan buat bikin iklan di teve (modelnya bukan kakak, but you own the brand dan disuruh bikin jalan ceritanya), kakak mau bikin iklan apa?

piccadilly99’s Profile Photollintang
heuuummm.. iklan layanan masyarakat soal pemberian gadget yg terlampau dini atau tourism ad buat indonesia. eh tapi kalau aku own product berarti jatohnya iklan komersil ya? aku bikin iklan deodorant for commuter line user atau pewangi ruangan buat gerbong kereta aja. man, kereta umum tuh baunya campur aduk. mau pingsan aja rasanya. (kok curhat?!)
thanks for asking :*

cuma lintang yang.....

piccadilly99’s Profile Photollintang
pingin aku peluk, aku cubit-cubit pipinya, aku bawa tidur (jadi guling maksudnya), pingin minta tanda tangan sama fotonya, pingin aku ajak backpacker ke kutub utara eeehh... *salah fokus*, pokoknya cuma lintang yang pingin aku ajak pajamas party padahal ketemu aja belum pernah :*

Post a picture of your favorite movie!

Barangkali gak sekeren James Bond atau Mission Impossible, tapi tetep sukak

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