

Latest answers from Lara

Why are you a model when you look like a horse? you're so arrogant if you think you're hot

Haha that's cute. Please explain how I look like a horse? And When did I ever claim I was hot? I model because I love it and I'm passionate about it. Also if you would know anything about it it's not about looks it's about a good personality and confidence. Of which you have neither? Who do you think you are to judge when you have to hide behind a computer and posting these anonymous questions? I feel sort of sorry for you to be honest. If you have a problem with me, just talk to me, or are you afraid? I get that you don't like me, but do you even know me? Did I do anything to make you say these things? Or are you just jealous? Karma's a bitch. Just remember that.
Have a nice day xo

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