
Lauren Dunlop

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elvias got closer to bayleigh and maddie quicker then you ever have... face it they dont need you anymore your nothing compared to elvia :)

lets face it, no one needs me, what's the point anymore just fuckoff and leave me alone ok.. you don't even know me

hottest boys in each year at st barts?

refuse to do year 7.. year 8 - tom allum year 9 - kyle year 10 - zack

Jesus christ I just saw your massive para!! Bloody hell xx anyway yeh your lush and Spanish is always hilarious with da old sloth :) xx your so funny and pretty and we talk more lately which is good ly :) xoxox

Bobbi Lainsbury
aw you qt:* same to you, thank you, ly2 xoxox
Liked by: Bobbi Lainsbury

Perfect relationship?

well it would have to be with the person I've liked since like the start of year 9 hahah.. meh well we would talk like every evening mostly when we can but maybe not 24/7 in the day as well or it would just get to much.. we would see each other whenever we could, go round each others houses at the weekends.. nothing sexual like most 10 year olds relationships nowadays .. just relaxed, led in bed watching cute movies and just talking about everything .. go on cute little walks whatever:) we'd be really comfortable around each other.. we could just be ourselves and not have a care in the would about anything else:) he would be so comfortable with my family and they would love him like another son! we could see each orher some days after school maybe! but then at school ot would be more relaxed.. obviously we would both want to see our friends and thats fine! I wouldn't push my friends aside because I still love my girlies loads:* we could have a laugh together and play fight for agws and then just kiss aw:* nothing would be awkward.. we could just lay there or sit there in silence and it wouldn't be awkward at all and neither of us would feel uncomfortable! I would do absolutely anything in the world to make this boy happy! like if he was crying or upset I would cry with him and just hug him till he stopped! he could tell me what was wrong and I'd do everything and anything to make him happy again! I'd buy him little gifts as a surprise when i have money and when I go on holiday bring something back! I would steel one of his hoodies that smelt like him and hug it at night and not wash it until it was absolutely vile and give it to him to wash and give back when It smelt of him again hehe;) we could take my dog on walks together when I get it and id train it to love him like itwould love me haha;) we could trust each other.. there would be no lies no cheating anything like that going on! this boy would make me so so happy like it's unreal! meh, we could take cute pictures together and just chill in old baggy clothes no exactly trying to 'look nice' whatever. I guess I'd have to tell him I liked him first tho LOL

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Liked by: Holly Parsons


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