
Lauren Trump

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Pap of something or someone that means something to you

ok soi have been putting ff this question for long enough. All this time i have been trying to think of something that means alot to me. Something people would see and go wow, something people would see and it would mean something to them as well. I had so many, i didnt know what to choose. It was a surprisingly personal question when i started toreally think about it. I thought about my friends, family, animals, quotes. I finally thought of something that truly means something to me. I dont know if it will mean anything to anyone else but it means alot to me. I at least hope one person sees this and thinks of themselves and realises that all of the negative things that have happened have made you stronger. They defined you. People try and hurt those who appear strong, or beautiful, or perfect, but it doesn't have to affect you. Im sorry for the long post. The person who told me this quote was @xxBelieveInMiraclesx She is so inspiring and strong and I hope she sees this and realises how strong and beautiful she truly is.

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Hey who's Cat?

@xxBelieveInMiraclesx she is the most inspirational person I have ever spoken to. She has been through so much and when I think about it I cry for her. She deserves to be happy, she deserves to feel loved. She has recently made a serious attempt at suicide. When I heard that she was in hospital, and that she overdosed, I cried. I cried for so long I couldn't think. I couldn't bare to lose her even though I have never met her in my life. She means so much to me, more than she would understand.

Ok best friends from other schools

chisholm- Jasmine, Olivia
Melrose- Leah, Lauren, Monique
Deakin- Elise
St Clares- Jessye, Melissa, Beth
mackillop- Taryn
grammar- Calia, jess
probably missing heaps hahahha but oh well :)


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