
Lea Clemens

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Hey everyone I'm not trying to be mean or bash anyone for anything just wanted I maybe make you realize what the other side might think. Ok so group chats are being made and at first I wanted to be a part of it and I got pretty upset that people didn't want me in the group but now I really don't want to be a part nor do I want to hear about it anywhere. So you think your just having fun and laughing about people in our grade sending mean pictures and secretly putting them down with all your friends. How would you feel though if your messages were exposed for everyone to see including the people and pictures you were laughing and and making fun of. I think it's really wrong and right now you all must think we'll I don't care if they see it's not my problem. But it is cause if that person saw they would probably feel really bad about themselves. If someone said stuff like that about you how would feel after that. I don't know what's being said about it but I think it should stop or at least stop talking about it at school and posting stuff on snapchats. They might never find out or they might within the next couple hours it doesn't make a difference because you know it's wrong for putting that boy or girl down and they could go home and start feeling bad about themselves trying to be better. Go ahead and keep going on with the group chats secretly talking about other people but your going to have to know with what you said knowing people were laughing while the other person probably thought that the people in the chats all liked them. I still love all of you guys in their but I just think it's wrong I'm not trying to start anything just please be aware of you might be doing thank you❤️❤️
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Latest answers from Lea Clemens

best guy friend / girl friend

ask is so stupid everyone should delete it. no one has it in high school all you anyone are so scared to say stuff this is my last anwser cause ask is so pointless and such petty fights like knolls hills who cares. we both try hard and work hard. like just stop with it all I'm done. bye bye ask

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