
Lea Clemens

Surprised that you don't since Dylan was white. Your a white supremacist

I'm not a white supremacist at all. wth when did I ever say I think the white race is better and should over power and I hate all other races I don't. I have dated mostly Hispanics and have African American friends. I have never shown a different level or respect for an opposing race or ethnicity. your making assumptions as to since I like trump I'm a white supremacist no a lot of people like trump for a reason and it doesn't have to be because they are racist. or crazy. obviously no one has the same opinion. respect mine and I'll respect yours.
Liked by: katie kellam
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best guy friend / girl friend

ask is so stupid everyone should delete it. no one has it in high school all you anyone are so scared to say stuff this is my last anwser cause ask is so pointless and such petty fights like knolls hills who cares. we both try hard and work hard. like just stop with it all I'm done. bye bye ask

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