
Lea Clemens

He has the highest negative opinion rating *in history* among the general population. A very large percentage of republicans don't even like him bebecause of his racist xenophobic and misogynist statements. You're backing a loser

omg it's my opinion most of the country backs his opinion too. they might not admit it but something entices the brain waves when he is brought up or on screen whether America likes it or not he might be president 😂 and I support him. but go ahead and support Hillary. We will see what happens during the election this year.

Latest answers from Lea Clemens

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ask is so stupid everyone should delete it. no one has it in high school all you anyone are so scared to say stuff this is my last anwser cause ask is so pointless and such petty fights like knolls hills who cares. we both try hard and work hard. like just stop with it all I'm done. bye bye ask

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