
Leanne Su

Ask @Leeeeaane

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Impersonate Shanay

No guys it's not that short
I need to dye my regrowth
Someone come with me to the bathroom
Not bois
I need my makeup
Swaglife boom boom
He's hot
Oh he's hot
Hey girly
Ooh you look cute!
Let's hang
*laughing so hard it's a silent laugh*
Fucking fucks
Come on guys
Do you have some water?
Can I please drink some?
I'll go fill it up
Actually, I'll do that later
I like my throat lozenges, try it, it's nice
Does it taste weird to you?
Hahaha love you girl <3
Liked by: Shanay Smyth

If you make a skype and put out details im sure alot of people will add you because you are just that loved. =)

Haha I'm sure I'm not that loved :"(

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If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Kenneth and a boat

its meant to be sweet i mean come on its pretty smooth. Give me some credit here i took like 30 seconds to write that.

Thanks. The part of how you want me dead is creepy. You've got to admit that

Thoughts on zahraa and Marcus

CUTEST COUPLE OUT. im so happy for both of them even though marcus probably doesn't really like me. but anyway i hope they last because they are seriously perfect for eachother <3

you are perfect. definition of perfect is you your the kindst person i know and your amazing. thank you so much for all the help and advice. you will do great in life. you have something special. thank you for everything and being an amazing friend. your awesome :P

aww thankyou anon, you're just so lovely! please come off anon<3

thoughts on mustafa

he's pretty cool haha he seems well known and we haven't made that handshake yet but we will get to it someday. he likes to hug a lot of girls so i reckon hes skaxxin
Liked by: Mufasa

do u miss anyone? like people u use to be friends with?

tbh I have drifted away from people i used to be good friends with.
theres a bit of drama going on atm


Language: English