

Ask @LeenAyoub2

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How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?

There's one fancy restaurant that gives customers free meals on their birthdays, so I'm probably going to take advantage of this. Hopefully I wouldn't have 59 tests before my birthday like I did this year!!

How many books you read?

I love love reading! Last summer I read 7 books and I plan on reading 4 in the winter break. During school I read school books, and on average I read ~120 pages each week.

What does "feeling high" mean to you????

I literally get high whenever I take 2 or more exams on the same day. 😂

did u hear that mom Jay-Z publicly announced non-traditional orientation?

I don't know what you're talking about.

How to tell someone you like them?

Maybe try to approach them in person and be nice to them, but check if they actually like you before you tell them anything because it would be quite embarrassing if they don't really like you.


Language: English