

Ask @LeighBrookeRobinson

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what are you looking forward to in December? @oxxxxe

Hmm I don't know really. I mean I personally like winter/Christmas time because it's so joyful, and I love the snow, cosy jumpers, hot chocolates, Christmas songs/films ect ect. But I'm not really looking forward to anything in particular this month. 🤔

What's your favourite type of underwear? I think you'd suit girl boxers and thongs :P

Bit of a personal question, isn't it? 😂 You think I'd "suit girl boxers and thongs"? I don't know if I should be cringing or not!

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You do know me :P so what's your snapchat??

Do I really? Then tell me who you are, and I might tell you my snapchat. 😂

If you won a million what would you realistically do?

I'd probably save half of it, go on a holiday or two, give some of it to animal charities because I absolutely love animals, buy a new bed, phone and laptop, buy some new clothes/shoes, possibly have some laser surgery and give some of it to my mother.

Who would you like to talk to more and who would you like to talk too less?

I don't have anyone that I want to talk to less, because not a lot of people bother with me anymore to start with. 😂 Sad but true.
I have a name or two of people I want to talk to more, but I won't name names on here.

If you was the be anyone in the world who would you be and why? Ps. Speak to you lovelies in the morning off to bed now 💕

Omg I have absolutely no idea! There's far too many people to pick from haha.
Liked by: CorinaJane97

Xbox or PlayStation?

Ooo interesting question. I'll say PlayStation purely because in the past I've spent A LOT of time on them, and I've rarely been on the Xbox so I don't know it well enough to pick it!
Liked by: CorinaJane97

yesh because this is my new nickname and i was around when you created your YouTube :3

I created my youtube officially years ago, when I was in school? c:
Dude, just tell me who you are.

im great thankies too ^-^ im umbreaon i stick to the shadows

Oh okay, hope them shadows are treating you well my friend!


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