
Jake Baddeley

Ask @LetTheDMeetTheV

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I know a lot actually, and I know you're a twat:)

You know a lot of bullshit then, you still can't show your face.

I think you should considerate girls feelings for once

I do okay? You know nothing. You don't even come off anon, don't give shit if you can't show your face

You're obsessed with one girl, than you fuck her off and get obsessed with another, make up your mind

I don't though I don't fuck people off, it's usually because we fall out, I've known this girl for years why would I just fuck her off?

your such a player, you speak to every girl going

Just because I speak to girls doesn't make me a player, I'm fed up of this bullshit, if I was a player why would I be obsessed with one girl?

your such a player who are you close to it was hannah now its charlie fuck off and leave hannah alone then thanks:)

For fuck sake can't I be friends with girls now?

why yeah and no for liking hannah you either do or you dont?

I don't want to get attached if it's not going to happen


Language: English