
Lexi Mcpherson

Ask @LexiMcpherson

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You can't ride, why would they want you to ride a breaker? Lol

You'd be surprised how well I can stick on when I'm that high up..

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What are you most excited about right now?

ONMMMMMMGGGGG $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

How has your day been?

Greaaaat, I went to Jeremy Sylvester's place and rode a green breaker that was spelled our 2-4 months, she was amazing,,,, did yeh and buck but gave up so I went around the dirt track with nick...
:') she was great tbh considering they little work she has done!

Why don't you go to coffs and become a jockey?

Because I don't want to leave everything behind.
Plus i won't have a way to the competitions...

If your horse works good in a snaffle, why put a double bridle on her? They are terrible.

She does, but if she had a choice and could speak I know what she would say...
It's not like she hates it and I'm using it in a wrong matter.
I know how it works, and I would pay someone other than me see the difference because the loves it and response 100000x better...
But don't get me wrong, I would love her to work as good as she does in the double bridle in a snaffle.....

Why do you ride jackie in a double bridle?

Bc' she loves it...
It's hard to explain unless you ride her in a snaffle then ride her in a double bridle... :')

Opinion on- Sammy Harris, Lexi McPherson, Jamie Hawkins, Jess Langbridge, Heather Day?

Sammy, she's perffff.
Jamiesss,, who's that?
Jess, haven't meet her, but seems like the funnest girl :')
Heather, never meet her but but her and sandy as so so so cute!
Liked by: Sammy Harris

Have you ridden tackless before? How was it? Why did you do it? Did you teach your horse? Was it easy or hard? Any tips on how to teach it? Do you wear a helmet? Why or Why Not?

The first time, it was quite funny she jumped the area and bucked me off and I went under her feet.
Then the best couple times, I ended up jumping 90cm and was all ggggg
Liked by: FiftyNifty

How do you keep yourself so skinny? Any tips

People don't understand how much energy it takes to ride horses tbh...
If it wasn't for riding, I could only imagine how heavy I was :S
I've eaten 4 packets I popcorn in the past 1 hour so you can say I'm not on a diet or anything :')


Language: English