

Ask @Lexiibam

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I like you tbh you've got a great personality, and you're arguetive about things instead of cursing and jumping to things you're a stunning girl, just from what i caught From your answers.

Thank you so much!<3
When it's something that someone arguing about but nicely, it's fine because they're just stating their opinion, but being rude, I'll get pissed and curse a lot, lol. But thank you!<3
Who is this?<3

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Chemical reaction ;p sorry ill stop but my point is proven but the smartest man on the world and ofcourse science.

Fair enough.
You think what you think, I think what I think.
Who are you by the way?

im sorry to argue with you but i'm right scientific proven studied on human's Albert was one of the first to prove it.

Just shush.
Love is real. It's happened before. Just let it be.
Love can happen.
It takes two committed people who actually want a relationship and have extremely strong feelings for each other. Love exists.

i hear your point of view from the 'love' but it's a FACT that love isn't real, as soon as people realise, the 'cheating' and whatsoever will stop!

It's not a fact.
You're wrong.

Love is simply attraction,its just chemical reaction in your brain,but when the brain stops releasing that reaction is when people get bored and most times CHEAT

Yeah, but true love should last forever.
I would NEVER even THINK about cheating.
If I've lost feelings for someone, I would let them know.
Cheating is one of the worst things you can do.

is love real?

I think it is.
I have no experience with it, other than my friends and family of course, but there's another kind of love, too.
I think love exists in general.

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

I don't know
I'm not a computer
& I'm not Asian.
Ask one of those two.

Fovourite songs?

1. The Only Difference...(Panic At The Disco)
2.Turn off the light(Panic At The Disco)
3. It's time to dance (Panic At The Disco)
4. Somewhere in neverland( All Time Low)
5. Therapy(All Time Low)
6. Time-bomb (All Time Low)


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