
Leyonie Doak-Price

Ask @LeyonieDoakPrice

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I'm joking, she's an actual babe. I am so glad we are close again, she has helped me through some rough times! She is stunning, there is so much I could write..but loveyou Ind;)<3<3

Opinion On Indyaa??;')<3<3

I don't really like her tbh, she can be a bit two faced sometimes.. I'm just jealous of her all the time because of how pretty she is so it makes me annoyed with her. She is a bit of a bitch.

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Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

A few close ones, because I'm not liked by lots of people. Ha.

Do you remember your dreams?

Some of them, if they are random I tend to forget. But if they mean something to me then yes.

What's the worst advice you've ever taken?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me..hmm..I don't think so.

Have you been out with rhori lots? And would you again

I have in primary. But now I think we are better as just friends


Language: English