
Sarah Shaw

Ask @Lighturs

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Have you ever got into trouble with the police?

one time i was babysitting my little brother and i threatened to call 911 if he didn't shut up and he wasn't shutting up so i dialed 911 then thought i hung up but i didn't realize until 5 minutes into the call that it was still going and then like 3 cops showed up at my house so i mean theres that

Uhm because I care about people? I'm not a bad person like you all think I am. The only people that don't like me is only your friend group. I don't hate any of you. Just all you guys make my life fucking hell. I do what makes me happy, I don't care if you don't like me. It is what it is

maybe we don't like you because all you do is start unnecessary drama and try to get with our boyfriends. I haven't spoken to you in weeks and you came out of nowhere last night bitching. nothing triggered you to do that which makes it even more immature and attention seeking.

How old are you? Copying maddys tweet but switching to Kelsey is extremely immature and tbh you're embarrassing yourself. Jealousy is a bad trait and your little temper tantrum over it has given a bunch of us a laugh. But sweetie it's time you grew up.

I am 16 at this moment, I will be 17 on February 21st at approximately 10:34am, thank you for asking, I expect a gift. I didn't realize I was throwing a temper tantrum I was simply just saying good night and good morning to my beautiful mother. there's nothing to be jealous of, and I am all grown up, you should try it as well, you can start by not being a pussy hiding on anon


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