
Lili Fai

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H.O jaimee ? Xx

Jaimee :)
Like JAMIEE, your honestly amazing you so sweet and nice and everything you give me like the best hugs ever! Not kidding I love being around you all the time. your just a sweet girl in general :) xx
Cooper like so nice heaps good to talk to and MADD guy to chill and talk to. You and JAMIEE are the cutest couple ever! HAHAHAHA OMG AND YOU AND YOUR BROTHER HAVE THE SANE HAIR CUT RIGHT?!?! How adorbs, hahha yeah but both two nice and sweet people and heaps cool :) xx
Liked by: Jaimee :)

Oi You and Natasha should go to Sunnybank hills state schools multifest fete thing on the 25th and we can chill because I miss you xx

Shilo Sutherland
YES! I'll try but if it's next week I think we're going out :)! Xx We will try to make it

Thoughtsss ? X

Sasha El Taco
I love you. And i always will. You're like my twin and I love every single DNA of you, your are flawless and every thing anyone would want. Everything I would want actually. Your amazing and your everything! Ugh I can't wait to see you tomorrow !!!
Liked by: Sasha El Taco

Lili! You are cool as fark, and funny with Natasha :) You guys are cool n' amazeballs.

Hahah thanks heaps man, I know we are ;) she's my main and I love her long time she's beautiful ;) she gets it from me
Liked by: .....wjsjsjsjs

Best grade 8ers at mgh ?

To be honest I actually don't like many veggies at mgh they're all so loud or give me dirty looks when I pass them but the only veggies that I actually only like is
Michael the Asian one
Yeap that's about it

what would you do if you found out one of your best friends were suicidal

I know one of my friends are suicidal. Please don't ask You don't know what it means to be dead. You've heard a lot of theories and ideas, but they all came from living people who also don't know what it means to be dead. You can guess, but you'll never know what you're stepping. Actually choosing to go on living can be a bit of a rush. When it's a firm decision - "I choose to live!" - it can give a sense of purpose or meaning to life, just from the idea that you chose it. It seems like you're in control. The feeling fades, but it's nice for a bit.You'll put your friends and family through grief. Even acquaintances will get a sinking feeling. Dying is usually sad, but suicide really spreads a lot of misery. There's not much you can do to nullify that...your actions will speak louder than your words. There might be an important purpose to your life that you don't know yet. It may seem like a long shot, but who knows? Something could turn up.There isn't a great way to do it. Unless you've suppressed your self-preservation instincts quite well, you're likely going to cause yourself grief, pain, hassle...and there's the chance that your method will fail, causing all sorts of complications. If your life is going badly, why add more bad stuff ? Your choice will be misinterpreted. If you're trying to get a message to somebody, you'll likely be better off sticking around to make sure they get it.Suicide is final.Once you take your life, that’s it. You have only one life. End it - and you’re done. You will never, ever get a second chance. That special person.The one who keeps you strong when nobody else does. The one who stands by you when everyone walks out. Imagine the pain, the sadness, the grief they would feel when you’re gone. Even if you don’t think you have a special person worth living for, you do. You just don’t know it yet.
Killing yourself will NOT be a relief to the suffering. When you’re dead, you’re nothing. You no longer exist. If you want relief from your suffering, you have to choose to live. You have to reach out and find the courage to make tomorrow better than today. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope and things will get better. You’re a strong person for living and you give me hope.It will get better, I promise. All the memories, the laughs, the smiles and the hugs.What if you end up being the one that finds the cure for cancer? Or the one that discovers life on Mars? Or the one that ends up with the most amazing spouse and family? How will you ever know your true potential if you’re not there to experience it. All the people you will never meet, all the lives you won’t touch, all the souls you won’t inspire. The future is a mystery; don’t you want to discover its secrets? Sunrise. Imagine never seeing bright yellow rays light up the dark sky again. Never feeling the warmth of the sun, never feeling the beauty of way the sky illuminates as it grows brighter and brighter until the whole heavenly expanse i

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