
lily elizabeth

Ask @LilyyElizabeth

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Pap likers think you're beautiful/cute

I just want someone to hug me and tell me everything's gonna be okay..

so anon go get your own friends because obviously your so thirsty for drama you have to feed of off other people


wtf #1 I didn't say any crap about you and jaeden. I think it's cool that you guys are close and it's nice. #2 freakin anon needs to get the freak out because this is what starts fights, anon tells you some random shit that isn't true and you believe which sucks and maybe that's why you hate me. Idk

HUN I DONT HATE YOU. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS. I didn't believe them. okay I did a little.

I've just heard she's talked some shit on you to Jayden

jaeden* and I could care less. that's not my problem how bout you go talk to her about it and not me. if she doesn't like me and Jaeden being best friends she needs to get over herself. and if this is her asking me questions text me back.

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

jaed and blake, it was about stupid girls


Language: English