
Lina Ashraf ✌️

Ask @LinaAshraf826

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What was the last movie you watched that was really good?

World War Z - After Earth
Only the movies I watch in theaters are cool and that happens yearly because I go to Egypt in summer vacation.

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I'm waiting for you to correct me on 'espicially' :p Yiu never did

I wanted to but the Internet got disconnected :(

Are you in love with a guy? Not a celebrity please say honestly

I'm 12, I shall not love in such age.
I thought I did once but lol that's way too stupid, they were just strong feelings ( call them whatever you want , but don't mock me )

some stuff that irritate you ?

Those are just SOME :-
- People who always do grammatical mistakes, especially writing proper names without capital letters >.<
- People who make noises while eating/drinking .. KILL ME NOW.
- The low class people, specifically the low class Egyptians ( Oka w Orteega w those people ) because most of them happen to be drug dealers and that shit, also their way of talking irritates me. I'm not a brat or anything but really it's so annoying!
- Guys who insult male singers just because they're so attractive, it's even more irritating when they didn't even listen to any song!
- Satanists ! I prefer atheists more than satanists.
- Attention seekers.
- People who think they've become photographers outta no where just because they have a semi-professional / professional camera.
- People who take photos of each and every meal they eat in public & post it on Instagram , gross! ( just post few PLEAAASE )
- Guys who have nothing to do in their lives but posting shirtless photos of them on Instagram , yeah you have abs we all fucking know.
- Shows offs! >_<

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Language: English