


Betygsätter alla som gillar
1% = OMG
2% = Fuck off !
3% = Oh my word -.-.
4% = Hahahahahaha :D
5% = You are not serious are you ?
6% = Shit you are ugly.
7% = I am not gonna say anything...
8% = Ugly face
9%= Oh oh oh looking bad !
10% = I would never go out like that.
11% = What do you think by walking around like this?
12% = You can`t be serious.
13% = Pleeease change ur looks
14% = Maybe next time
15% = You better look more often in the mirror to see how ugly you are
16% = Go hang urself!
17% = Looks awful.
18% = Difficult with you...
19% = Mhhh....
20% = Ugly.
21% = Look at you :D
22% = Look in the mirror then you know why you only have 22 % :D
23% = There is no hope for you...
24% = Shit still doesn`t look good !
25% = What could be the problem ?
50% = Middle-rate
75% = Goooood
76% = Well not too bad
77% = Good good
78% = I would meet up with you
79% = Okay
80% = Not bad!
81% = Nice looks:)
82% = Beautiful :*
83% = You look nice ((:
84% = Pretty
85% = I like it a lot :)
86% = Oh lala (:
87% = Really pretty :***
88% = OMG :o <3
89% = Just good looking (:
90% = Really really pretty ((((:
91% = More than just pretty :o
92% = Extremely pretty :o ♥
93% = Oh wow look at you! (:
94% = Model
95% = Wow *-*
96% = Wow just woooooooooooooow *-*
98% = Who is the prettiest in the whole country ? You!:o
99% = PERFECT !
100% = Please marry me !!! ♥
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Latest answers from LinaAnnaOpheli

Vad är de viktigaste i ett förhållande?

Helt ärligt tycker jag nog sexet hahahah, men att man kan prata å lita på varandra är ju viktigt de också

Vill du ha ett förhållande nu?

Nej jag vill inte ha ett förhållande nu och inte heller på ett bra tag fram som jag känner just nu, men det kan ju förändras :)

Language: English