
Lisa Locke

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why dont you have a boyfriend?:O

After seeing all these girls being cheated on... Makes you scared of relationships nowadays and because noone likes me HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Liked by: Your Motheeeeer

Mercy Day? Since we have jac that day annnnnnnnnd apparently its the day of our next Turf Kingz get-together :D

Yeah we should!!!! pm all of us oi lol

Should we? :OOO lol I think - NOT! HAHA na should we!? o.O lolol oh send the red limo please doe

Yeah we should who gives a f about miss miles and what she says

Omg. Im keen on doing that Gummy bear thang ;-) HAHAHAHAHAHA legit doe. And na lets catch the late bus at 7:30 caus we be badass! Tbh ay :z

Yeah should we? lol oh nah I'll pick you up in my limo and then ill get someone to tow it and bring it back home

Oh yo sweet as then. Soz Paris, but your top 2 dancers are scheduled to kick it w Riri - in Miami :-) So party tonight then our flight to Miami right?

Yeah then back to mnagere and school tmoz, should we come back at 6.30 then buss at 7?

Omg is Riri still secretly angry at Paris or? Whats the goss between them two? :O

Riri wants us to hang with her in Miami and shel pay everything whereas Paris wants us to hang with her in Rewa doe LOL

Tbh we should just accept ay? Like yeah - she wants us to be her 2 main "wing" dancers :-) jtn :z

but member she was eats at murder on the dance floor? how she dyed her hair blue but we planned to dye it red >:( eats to our girl riri man

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

L.O.L I've never had my heart broken, And I havent broke anyones heart:)

I dont think Channing will control his love for me but I want him to stay w his wife..and oi hows bout Paris wants us to dance for ReQuest too Zzzz

Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan should we just accept her request when she asks us to star in step up 5?yah or nah?

OH EM GE :O Zayn datt sluzzzza! Faaah Channing was about to have an affair w me but I was like "oh hunnay, please no" Zzzz sick of all these boys wanting us ay - like tbh. And omg Jaden Smith just called and said that Will will pay for our flights and all :z

Will is a bunch of t.s I dont wanna star in his movie -____- Oh should we get Channing? Katy Perry just asked me to be in her new clip what to do what to do man my schedules getting pretty tight ae

Hardout ay! Our poor khloe! We should smash Lamar w our jetplane tbh that ratchetasshoe! Oh what in the F -.- 1D just texted asking to pick 'em up from London zzz

Ikr and Jaden Smiths dad wants s to star in his next movie. maaan we got exams. omg did they shux i just got of the phone with Zayn and he was complaining about how he regrets proposing to Perry cos he wants to be with me Zzzz ahhhh just leave them in London


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