

You don't and will never annoy me because you are interesting (this is -for me- the best compliment on earth haha)

I love that compliment as well! :') Like.. i know I should appreciate it when someone says "you're pretty" but it honestly just.. idk i just don't like it and i don't care you know haha
But when someone calls me interesting, special, unique, fascinating or points out something positive about my personality it really makes me smile :')

Latest answers from Lisaa.

When you say you made your theme. Do you mean you actually coded it yourself?

Not the whole thing, I used some tutorials and stuff as well of course. Google is your best friend xx

How do you even grow 2-3 cm in a week. Every time you say a different height.

What i grew 1cm in the last 6 months lol fail u

Language: English