

That you still ship Brittana makes me happy. :)

They got screwed over by a show that hated them from the outset, it was never going to go well with the writers we had. The fandom made them special.

Latest answers from LittleNormandy

I miss your flailing over Root T_T

There's been a 2 week drought! Also I'm trying not to think about POI too much because I just have all these miserable theories about the next 3 eps. Welp. Tuesday needs to get here though.

Sup! When you'll start a Valkubus fic? :3

I'm fanfic dysfunctional right now, also if I do manage to write something It will be a root/shaw thing for sure.

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Blue so I can pretend to be an Asari.

do you still ship brittana?? (not the canon crap that glee has made in the last season lol)

-snape voice- Always

i know! epic moments. also the no pic is making me uncomfortable

It deleted my pic but I can't remember what it was, mhmm need a new one.

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