

Ask @Littlegus1227

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A portal to another world opens in front of you. You don’t know how long it will stay open or if you’ll be able to get back after you go through. What do you do?And which world would you choose ? A reminder , you might not be able to get back again !

I would go through even if it means leaving everything behind??‍♀️

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No I would get sick I can’t eat that type of food

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Lost my verginity??‍♀️

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Yes, guy I like bc he’s the only one I want to be around. He makes me happy without even being around me or knowing it. ??‍♀️?❤️

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The people who go out of their way to help others to make them happy and takes care of themselves

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Stay home and cook; it’s therapeutic. ??‍♀️?❤️


Language: English