
•alexis marie•

Ask @LiveLifeWithNoRegretss

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I'm starting to like you and I'm about to be single for a little but yeah when we talk we constantly smile at each other no words just a smile .

Liked by: Riley Blair

Have you ever? - made your self throw up - starved - took a razor to your skin - felt like your not good enough - thought about suicide - attempted suicide - burnt your self - got bullied - been called ugly/fat etc.. - or harmed your self in any way - cried your self to sleep - been abused

Yes . Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. On accident . Yes. Yes . No. Yes. No

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Why are people so mean to you? Your no different.

I dont know . Maybe there unhappy with themselves so they take it out on other people .

Your beautiful Alexis and u have so much to live for.. Don't let anyone tell u different and if they try to its only cuz their jealous their life isn't as great as urs !!(:

Thanks . It means alot (:

Have you ever wondered , maybe they felt bad for you , or there lieing to you . Well they are .


Okay whoever is saying all this stuff to Alexis , STFU . I mean seriously bitch? Why do you have to be so retarted? She is an amazing person. Haters like you are the reason so many people end there lives. So FUCK YOU !


Please . Please. Ill even help you , I have bleach . I have knives , or even a rope. Take your pick.


Alexis. Please don't kill yourself. You mean the world to me. Your to young to end it now. Don't listen to all them haters. Please.

I'm trying


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