

Ask @Lizzzmunoz

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What is your idea of hell?

Well I was raised a Christian so basically if people don't do what is right and obey the 10 commandments then they will be sent to "hell" or as others may refer to it the "Eternal Lake of Fire." Some people fear the idea of going to hell, but other may wonder why a God All Mighty would send his children, his creation to a place where they will be eternally tortured. Well it all began with Adam and Eve. God had told them that they could eat from every tree except (as everyone may refer to it) the apple tree. The serpent which was the devil tempted Eve into eating out of the tree and then Eve got Adam to eat as well. Immediately they knew what sin was which is why they covered themselves with leaves. They felt ashamed of being naked. That is how sin was created. Now some people may ask "well why are we paying the actions of Adam and Eve?" Well once they ate the fruit off the tree they knew the sin, so once they had children they'd know sin as well. Which would continue off from generation to generation. So now there was a reason for hell. For the sinners. God has everything planned out. Just hope that people repent before it is to late.

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Language: English