
Lonewolf Di Conis

Ask @LonewolfDiConis

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Welche ist die beste Lernmotivation?

Das Ziel, konzentriere dich immer auf das was kommt, was du erreichen willst.

What is your most favorite video game you'll take for a spin for years to come every now and then?

Well I think my most favorite video game is the Mass Effect triology, gosh I could talk for hour about this game

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People say we should be grateful for the things we have instead of complaining over the things we don't. So what do you appreciate the most which you have?

My family, my friends and my mostly good life

Hast du lust auf eine Runde "Wer bin ich?" ? ich denk mir für dich eine Person aus, und du musst erraten, wer sie ist^^


Is there a word in your native language that lacks a direct translation to English and therefore can only be paraphrased? If you're native language is English: is there such a foreign word you know of and can you paraphrase its meaning? Without looking one up ;)

There are a lot, Weltschmerz, Schadenfreude, Weltfremd etc.

Describe your favorite game and make it sound as shitty as possible

What? Why should I ... well Mass effect ... Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

If you could buy anything you wanted right now, what would it be?

I would buy everything my friends and family needs and a big fucking PC

Is there a skill you always wanted to have but couldn't for some reason?

Draw, write the stories I want and many more

How much sugar do you usually put into your coffee/tea/[insert other beverage to sweeten manually]?

It depends on the coffee 1-3 lump sugar


Language: English