

Ask @LoulittaE

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¿Cómo canalizas las emociones fuertes? a) Llorando. b) Gritando y rompiendo cosas. c) Con desahogo contándole al alguien. d) Buscando pelea y peleando con alguien. e) Con afecto de la pareja "+21". f) Reflexionando y analizando con calma. g) Otra Menciona. 🤔

C y F, plus buscando algo para distraer la mente como jugar, escribir, etc

What’s the most embarrassing thing your have ever done?

Ay, when I was like 8, I asked a girl in front of everyone if she wanted to be my friend and jumped up and down when she said yes

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If you could be any fruit, which one would you be?????🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🍍🍅🍆🌶🌽

Jajaja 🍓

If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice you would give your younger self?

Don’t fall for “x”.

Has recibido coqueteo a través de Ask? En otras palabras: Te han tratado de impresionar o conquistar por aquí de manera virtual?

Uhm no

What your favourite season? Mine is Autumn... Cool nights and slightly warm days. And all those beautiful colours of nature

Winter 🤍


Language: English