

Why are you so happy are you like a Optimist or something?

Noo actually I'm the opposite. I know how it feels to not be wanted and to to be hurt so I thought I could do this just to see if I can make people happy and now that I've started I feel happy too.

Latest answers from Anon

5 things everyone should know about you.

-I'm jealous af like with my boyfriend if a girl tried something on him usually be like "Do u want to get kicked in your fucking throat" (excuse my language).
-If you get me upset I legit will cuss you tf out but then I normally say I'm so sorry.
-If you had my back through thick and thin I'm not afraid to get in a fight for you.
-No matter what happens I always have someones back no matter what.
-I'm weird af. I make weird noises with my mouth if I get bored, My eyes are soo weird like the last time I got in a fight my eyes turned sooo dark everyone was like ohh f*ck. But usually they're so light.

T-thank you. Thank you for making me smile. I'm literally crying tears of joy right now. Thank you so much.

You're welcome angel I'm soo glad I could help.

Oh. It's not that personal, I think. It's just that I'm sad because people judge me so much. I'm sad because people hate me. I'm sad because I'm me.

Listen angel I've been where you are hell I'm still there. But what you need to realize is that there is obviously a reason your alive. People judge you because they've been judged before and they probably are just stupid bitches. (excuse my language) If you keep your head up in the future they'll be cleaning your house and asking for a raise. Don't be sad about about who you are. There is a reason why you're yourself and sometimes it takes yearss wondering why. But for now angel I want you to keep your head up, smile through the tears and always remember that you are you for a reason. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. Put a smile on that beautiful face angel and don't make anyone erase it.

Do you give advices?

Yes if it's personal I give it over messaging but other wise you can send it here if you want.

A little about yourself?

Well my name starts with C and is veryy unique. I love fruit and pizza yeh ik it's weird. Um I have a boyfriend and I call him bubba. I got my tattoo when I was 14. My eyes change color if I'm mad or sad they go darker brown if I'm happy they're light brown. My veins form a heart at my ankle #weirdo. I legally have no parents. Victim of a lottt of things. And I just love to make people happy.

Language: English