
Mikayla LoveRideLaugh

Worst riding memory?

I was trail riding with my friend and i was on the horse I used to lease. We were walking by a deep sinkhole, but I wasn't aware it was there. It was made out of concrete and like 6ft deep. We heard something and turned around to see what it was. Well Missy and I backed right into that hole. "OMYGOD" my friend was panicking but told me to keep kicking her. I squeezed and kicked missy...for a moment I thought we were just going down hill, but I remembered. The hole. And a miracle happened. It felt like angels pushed us out of the hole. When we were out I got off Missy and she showed me her sore leg. She had no cuts, wounds or anything visible! But I knew she was bruised and sore because she was limping badly. I led her back to the barn (the trails aren't far from the barn) I was terrified on what the owner of Missy would say. I can't believe Missy made it through. She is a survivor and my little miracle horse. But I felt like it was all my fault...thankfully the owner didn't! She was thankful we were fine. Missy was still weak a couple weeks after that but I thanked those Angels who saved us.
If we all have guardian angels, they were sure doing a good job! :D and that is my biggest and worst horse experience so far. Missy, today is still in perfect condition, and I'm so thankfull to still see her vv
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Latest answers from Mikayla LoveRideLaugh

When will you get another horse? What breed?

Well I'm getting a job so when I've raised enough money I'm hoping to get a mini horse in a couple years...or less!

Are you going to live with Sky one day!?

Definitely! Hopefully next year my friends have asked me if I wanted to rent the apartment above their garage overlooking the barn property!

You're given one wish...what would it be?

my wishes have pretty much been granted. It was to get a horse (came true) and meet Halsey (also came true;)

Language: English