
Colette Lee Hyun

Ask @Lovey_Dovey

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T: I'll be right back. *sees a taxi and gets in,driving away*

* frowns, heading back inside, calling the cleanup crew*

Tom: Don't worry,babe.But,Ethan hurt you..

* shrugs* He didn't lay a finger upon me, so it's okay... :/

*Tom looks at his car and shakes his head* :/

* kisses him* Don't worry oppa... I'll get you a new one for our anniversary next week... :3 During that time you can take my other Porsche I have :3

*walks outside and grabs his head,seeing the mess and some small statues broken and Tom's car ruined* Colette! :O Tom! :(

Ian_RP’s Profile PhotoIan Murray
* gasps, pulling Tom up, rushing outside with him* IAN?! What's wrong?! :o
Liked by: Ian Murray

You're welcome,and I'm happy for you guys. :D

Ian_RP’s Profile PhotoIan Murray
* smiles* Thanks... And... I take back what I said about you... You're way better than Ethan... You're always welcome here, Ian... And maybe at some point in the future you could be our baby's uncle? :')
Liked by: Ian Murray

*walks out and leans against the wall* :'/ Tom: I'm okay,hon.Look,this is nothing.Remember when Doug shot me in the butt? xD Ian: *looks at you two and sighs sadly* I'm sorry,guys. :(

Ethan_RP’s Profile Photo▲ Etℎan ℳcGrain ▼
* laughs a little* Yeah... :D * looks up at you, hugging you* It's okay, Ian... You tried your best.... thank you for being on my side... :') It means a lot to me... :')

*kicks Tom again and walks towards the door but before leaving he looks at you,Ian and Tom* You are all monsters...*turns around looks at the ground as he opens the door*

Ethan_RP’s Profile Photo▲ Etℎan ℳcGrain ▼
* helps Tom up again, crying a little, worried about him* Oppa... Come on, get up... * pulls him up barely* Come on... Let's sit down... :'/

T: I..I'm fine,believe me babe.. *smiles weakly* *Ethan looks at Ian with anger and sadness in his chocolate brown eyes* I HATE YOU! >:O *gets up and looks at Tom again*

Ethan_RP’s Profile Photo▲ Etℎan ℳcGrain ▼
* kisses him* I hope so, oppa :3 *turns to him and flinches* F-for wh-what? :o I said it's my free choice of what to do and I did what I wanted... >:/

Tom: Oh my..is he going to be okay? :o

* frowns* Well he'll get over it eventually... Now he'll be a crybaby and do nothing but this... * gestures to Ethan, who is sobbing loudly and being a sissy*

Tom: She's fine,she killed it...*smiles weakly* :') NOO! *Ethan hugs you tightly,sobbing loudly now* ToT

* hugs you close, rubbing your back* Shhh.... Let it all out... It's okay... It's over now... It's okay... I'm here.... let it all out... :/

Tom: What's going on? :o

* looks up at you* I'll explain a bit later, Tom... Uhm... How's she doing? :/

I..I know but I wanted that baby.It will probably be dead tomorrow,that innocent little life inside of her,killed just like that. T-T *hugs you back,sobbing quietly*suddenly Tom comes in*

Ethan_RP’s Profile Photo▲ Etℎan ℳcGrain ▼
* rubs your back* I know, man, I know... It hurts, but that's life... I'm here for you though... And if I was a woman I'd gladly give you a baby, Ethan... Cause I love you that much... :')


Language: English