
@band_fandoms_united (IG)

Ask @Lovin_Emblem3

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When was the last time you screamed?

umm last night at someone who was talking behind my back before I even left the room

What’s something you should throw away, but can’t?

my first kiss is long over due... haha jkjk but probobly my old clothes

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What's the most unusual thing in your refrigerator, right now?

ummm nutella normally its not in my fridge

Can you sum up your day so far in just one word?

... no not really XD too much happens to describe it in just one word

Did Keaton get rid of his account on here?

I don't know I think the one I followed was a really really good fake account, but his real one I know for sure is Krstromberg onehe just hasn't been on for a year

How do you like to start your morning?

umm... by going back to sleep only to be woken up again, getting a shower then enjoying a cup of coffee with french vanilla creamer and three and half spoonfuls of sugar... XD

Are you afraid of falling in love?

No. Love happens when love happens, yea I'm sceptical but I'm not afraid, scared and nervous yes but scared, hell no :)

It was actually like 2 1/2 weeks ago... but it's not like that's the only good time we've had.... ok.. that sounded wrong... O.o

lmao omfg I can't XD and this is addibear right, cus if so then you and ror had a fun time almost watching me wet myself and looking like a wookie....


Language: English