
Luke Woolcombe

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So ill,read it

My name is Luke Woolcombe and I'm 14 years old... I'm gonna write a brief life story.... I can't really remember my younger years from around 0-6 but I can remember some things. I was born two years after parents got married... I was born in Fulham near Chelsea and I have supported Chelsea ever since... My dad is in the army so therefore me and my family move around a lot... Currently I live in Portsmouth but in a few years we're set for another destination but so what that the army life. Like I said I can't really remember the early years... When I was 10, During the hype of the Afghanistani and Iraqi war my dad was told that he was to go to Afghan on tour for 6 months... And obviously breaking the news was incredibly hard for both my dad and mother as pretty much every day we heard on the news that more and more soldiers were dying every day. Just the thought of that it could be my dad in those situations, scared the fuck out of me... But when it came to the day of him leaving, I can remember it in great detail. The whole previous week I had spent loads of time with my family doing as many things as we could but all that time flew by and eventually the day came for him to leave. I can remember being woken from my bed by my dad all in his desert military uniform; looking prepared to go and he sat down and spoke to me and had a massive heart to heart telling me how much h loved me and how much he was going to miss me when he was gone. He was all teary and sad which was unusual as he's usually all stern and solid.. pretty much emotionless... He gave me a long hug and kissed my forehead and told me to go back to sleep... I wasn't that sure of what was going on but then it hit me... I just burst out in tears and my heart was literally broken... I had never hit me until now. So all teary, I got out my bed and ran down stairs and seeing all the camoflagued rucksacks and suitcases in the hall way and my mum standing there with tears in her eyes trying to hold them back to stay strong for me and my brothers... Again my dad said his goodbyes and especially told me that "I was the man of the house" while he was gone. So I had a responsibilty to look after and protect my brother and my mum who was pregnant with my othe little brother. My dad said his goodbyes gave us all a hug and kiss and went out the door... It was like 5 o'clock in the morning and we helped put his bags in the back of a white minibus seeing all the other soldiers on the bus with tears streaming down their faces all leaving their loved ones behind... My dad all teary started to cry and hugged us on final time and got on the bus waving goodbye; smiling to try and cover the tears... I was in such a state and so so scared and I had to sleep with his clothes or a photo of him to remind me of him as he's my hero and he helps me through evrything, I became a shit at school and all my grades slipped and did really bad at school. But I'm glad to say He came back all safe, just a story from life.

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Why do you like Ellie??!

Why do I like Ellie? Well Ellie is literally perfect to me, it's just everything about her I find so attractive; even the smallest detail I'm attracted to. She makes me feel complete and she makes me smile countless times every day and every night of every week Whether she's In a soppy mood or a hyper mood! I've liked her for some time now and over time my bond with Ellie has grown stronger and I have a great amount of feelings towards Ellie which are difficult to just brush aside. I like Ellie because I genuinely believe she is the most amazing girl I have ever met and the most amazing girl I will ever meet during my life time. She's beautiful and one of a kind. Ellie's different from all the other girls, she likes to put others first and care for them before her self and I love that about her... I get on so well with Ellie, she is always making me smile and we always have so much fun together. I like Ellie for being Ellie, I wouldn't change her for the world. I wouldn't change a single thing about Ellie-Faye Paskins. She's amazing just the way she is and... I love her:)

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Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

My dad. I have so much respect for my dad and soldiers in general... They risk they're lives just to protect us here back in their own country... They risk so much. I'm proud of my dad because I'm proud that he fights for our country and I'm proud of all those other soldiers out there. They deserve respect and anyone that slates their army is just fucked up... Whatever they do is or a great cause just to protect us like fighting against the Al Queda and Taliban where they just pure dirt and hurt so many innocent men and women out there and if any tries to argue the fact that the soldiers kill aswell, that is only because they are protecting many of the afghan and iraqi civilians when the Taliban and the Al Queda are just blowing up everything and causing hardship for so many families and I just hate that! So my childhood hero(s) has to be My dad and all the soldiers serving for their country and they'll always will be. They deserve so much respect

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Language: English