

Ask @Lunithaxx

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TELL ME! WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE AND NICE ! SHIT , you make me scream on my bed bb *:

because.... don't know hahaha, tell me:$ hahha u're really nice*-*
Liked by: Karla✌

No te odio, pero [...] completa la frase. IMAGEN CHISTOSA ...Una foto que ames? :) , te sigo! te pasas?♥ Déjame lluvia de mg's y te los devuelvo !♥ Pasate

u again here hahahhaha cuídate, te dejo algunos mg's c:

What is your attitude towards hunting?

i hate when hunt animals without reason apparent, why? i don't find one reason for thing like that... just stop! ... with this :)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=502055983221482&set=a.109969599096791.18842.100002512558995&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-prn2%2F1185926_502055983221482_362183439_n.jpg&size=960%2C569 Lo ayudas con un Mg es una conpetencia, te doy 5 Mg .

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