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Latest answers from Lycoris

What about "Holy macaroni"???

"Holy macaroni" is actually "holy". The others are just fixed expressions. Cows aren't holy, deers aren't holy, sh*t isn't holy at all, but macaroni are. All hail macaroni.

What's the difference between "holy cow" & "holy deer"? I say that it's the same. Are you agree?

It's totally the same. Cows are actually deers that painted themselves in that gorgeous b&w pattern and cut/reshaped their horns. No wonder. But no, I'm not "agree", you asked the wrong person. (badum tsss)

If a /bo:l/ is a ballon and a /bo:l/ is a person without hair. AM I BATMAN?!!!

Actually the in "bald" is slightly pronounced since it is an occlusive, and appears in the phonetic transcription (/bɔːld/, the vowel may vary depending on the variety of English, tho). But answering your question: you are whatever you are pleased to be, cutie.

Si hicieses unos juegos del hambre con 24 candidatos, de los cuales son tus personajes favoritos/husbis/waifus/pollas... ¿Quienes serían?

D1: SugaShiori
D2: YatoHiyori
D3: Rin - Umi
D5: SameWada
D6: IbGarry
D7: ChloeMichel
D8: Ellen - Viola
D9: (Black)Hanekawa - Shinobu
D10: WodahsGrora
D11: Blake-Yang
D12: Togemon x Ikakumon (no se me ocurría nada más y zzzzzzzz)
The OTP (and friends) Games
Ganaría Suga. O Samekucho. O ambos porque son mis maridos y les quiero.

Language: English