

Ask @Lynxghost

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What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

I believe it was Håkan Hellström back in 2006!
My favorite swedish artist of all time, me and my friend were so overwhelmed by it because everyone were so nice and it was just such an awesome feeling in the arena. We were singing our heart out and could barely sleep afterwards because the buzz wouldn't settle.
I've seen him four time since then and will see him so many times more, his music have helped me a lot and I adore Håkan.

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If people had a warning label, what would yours say?

No idea
I feel that people wouldn't take my warning label seriously anyway because most think I never get angry or that I can't be mean because everyone say I'm too nice, I do get angry but it just takes a bit before I snap.
And when I get angry I get pretty mean and snappy.

Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

“The night is the hardest time to be alive and 4am knows all my secrets.”
― Poppy Z. Brite

Am I on your like of people to see before the end of the world? I better be. I'll bring sandwiches. IF YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE KIND OF SANDWICH.

Of course you are, what kind of question is that

Do you find sandwich questions rude or inappropriate?


If the world was going to end in exactly three months, what would you do before it happened?

I think travel
I'd scrape together every last coin I could and try to make sure I get to see Iceland for at least a day or two, I'd also try to travel to see friends in other countries, there's a few I'd like to see face to face before it's too late.

If you could magically make two of your equids real, who would you pick and why?

There are a ton of equids I'd like to become real, and a few I'd definitely keep as pixels because they'd be terrifying to deal with.
But I think Clear would be one of those I'd like to become real. With his dorky, childish and happy-go-lucky way of just being and taking everything as it comes I think I'd love his company. I think we'd get along well and keep each other entertained for hours.
As for the other one.. Hmmm..
It's a tie between Imogen and Sigur;
Imogen is my first equid and I have such an incredible bond with her, I can't even describe how much she mean to me and having her around would make me so happy, she was the equid that brought me into the community and I don't think I'd be where I am inside the community without her.
Sigur is the equid that's most like me in a lot of ways and having someone who shares such a deeply rooted interest for stargazing and wandering I'd feel at ease around her, because she'd understand my homesickness and wanderlust when they grip me.

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Thank you for always being so nice <3 What's your favorite part about WMEs?

Aaaaa I do my best! ;u;
Do you mean the specie or the community all in all?
As a specie they're my favorite because; they're equine based, they have unique pattern, MOHAWK!? yaaaas, and that tail <3 Basically everything tho
As a community it's how members have helped each other improve with both art and writing, I've seen people step out of their comfort zone and give all for a tryout and how people encourage each other to keep trying.

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

With my anxiety I'd like to plan big things ahead and I don't like when those plans change later on because things have been decided and I've planned this and that to make sure it'll work. But at the same time I can do things spontaneously as well, as long as it isn't huge plans that would require a lot of effort and time.

Which exotic place would you love to visit?

I want to go back to Italy one day
But Iceland is on top of my list right now, maybe not exotic, but it's close to my heart

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

Basically my job – because I need the money so bad
and my friends, can't go through a day without my friends

Language: English