
Previous anon, WORD. And talking about making all drugs legal, Portugal already did that and look what happened :D And "Mj is addictive" you say? Lol, it's not physically addictive. U can get addicted to coffee for christ sake. You haven't given me any good arguments yet, u just bash me. Why?

I don't care if Portugal made it legal. I still don't want it legal.
And I know Mj "isn't addictive" you just have to smoke it all the time because you want to, I get that. Not addictive but it's the only thing you do and talk about lol.
And yes you can get addictive to coffee, but I don't see how that's relevant?
And of course there's no "good arguments" against it if you're a junkie that loves the dope.

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And guilt tripping is considered abusing.

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