
Ali Haider

Fav movie?

I've done this like a million times. =)
Let's do my favorite dialogue.
"You know my name, you don't known my story. You know what I am, you don't know what I've been through" - Famous Pakistan Sl*t. =)
Liked by: Warda Batool
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Latest answers from Ali Haider

Advice for courage to ask someone out?

Stand close by them, but don’t let them notice you, otherwise it’ll be weird.
Count to 10, and then just do it.
I once did this in High School, kinda worked out, but I wasn’t asking her out tho.

what is the most obvious sign of love? ??

When you look at the person, or think about them, it brings a smile on your face.

If you could be any person in the world for a day, who would you be and why?

I would be the person she likes. 😒

Language: English