
Ali Haider

Ask @MNW_812

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A lambent light of Heaven,
She was a crimson red flower
With dazzling eyes
Hidden with them were
Secrets of Love.
Sunny skin, Her hair reflect light
As she rolled down her fingers
Through them.
Dancing feet, Her dress swayed with wind
As she walked around the oasis.
Blue sparrows, Golden dragonflies
Orange butterflies, Emerald trees
All were her audience.
As she hummed the Lyrics of Love.
For my crush. <3 You're the prettiest girl on Planet Earth. =D

Poem for me?

I have a poet of mine. She writes poems on special orders. And i order them for special people only.

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Cute post maybe?

How much you Love me?",He inquired.
She saw his lips as they asked.
She was quiet, drowning in his eyes, iced lips, frozen words.
Mind entangled with a squall
of thoughts.
How much she loved him?
She could never decipher that question.
She was a diary, he had written.
She was a floret, he had named.
She was a storm, he had abstained.
She was a name, he had defined.
How much She loved Him?
Perplexed Heart.
Dazed Eyes.
Bewildered Mind.
Perhaps the water streams falling into an Ocean could answer.
Leaves dancing with melody of wind could assume.
Perhaps Rain pouring down the dark clouds could predict.
Whistling breeze could echo.
Far away, Strayed traveler's footprints could antiphon.
He was like a sunrise in her life. A brightened sky of her life.
A glimmering star to her dark soul.
A mirror reflecting herself.
She was a complete sentence when used with him..
His name, Her definition.
His chest, Her resting place.
His love, Her life.
His body, Her smell.
He was all she had.
How much she loved him?
She herself never knew.
Who was she without him?
A river without a shore.
A mother without a child.
A letter without a pen.
A clamor without a sound.
A meaningless speech.
She saw his awaiting eyes.
Anticipating for an answer.
She grasped him.
Entangled her arms around his neck.
Oh! She fell completed with him.
Humming wind crosses them.
She whispered in his ear,"Don't leave me. The night is horrifying."
And with all the tenderness,
He clenched her.
Her golden hair were falling on his shoulder.
"I won't leave you ever. I Love You.",He replied.
And the clouds smiled secretly above.
From www.AminahTasleem.Wordpress.com
Cute Enough?

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Dare: like 20 of my answers or a fan sign or embarrassing moment chose any :) Thank-you Tbh: you are are nice :) we should talk. You have an amazing display

sohatariq’s Profile Photo-no
I'll go with the likes thingy. =D And Thank You So Much. =)


Happy New Year to everyone. I wish that may Allah Almighty forgive all our sins done in the past year and make this year a new beginning and a year of happiness and joy. All our elders, brothers and sister who left us in the past year, May Allah Almighty bless them with the most comfortable place in Jannat-Ul-Firdous. May this year be a good one for our home, Pakistan. May Allah Almighty grant all our wishes true.
Ameen. =D

Name some pretty girls on ask like 10?

Ilsa Hidayat Ullah @IlsaHidayatUllah
Shehar Bano @Sherrrryyyyy
Ibnat Z.Prioty @IbnatPrioty
Nabia Babar @NabiaBabar
Iqra Sajid Tarrar @IqraSajidTarrar
Zarminay Khan @ZarminayK
Tanzeela Khan @TanzeelaKay
Aml @AmlAml1999x
Zainab Qureshi @ZainabQureshi987
Zainab @ZainabRJ
Jannat Mir @JannatMir
Javeria Amjad @JaveriaAmjad
Amna Anwar @AmnaAnwar115
Amna Sikander Baig @AmnaBaig
Asfa Shahid @Asfaa2
Danya Ali @DeeDeeSkittles
Every girl, each and every girl is Pretty. Everyone is beautiful and awesome in their own way. But these people are the best. =) They're the sweetest people on Ask.fm. =D


Language: English