

Ask @MaMaiPonc

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What are some things that make you really happy?

I have abandoned those since they do the exact opposite now.

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Why do people lie?

For different reasons (I may not cover all of it)
-Because they don't want to say the harsh truth
-Because they want to gain smth that they can't if they said the truth
-Because they want to get someone they like with less or without much effort
-Because they want to show off (I think this is about being insecure as well but eh)
-Because they're insecure
-Because ---yeah
Liked by: Exbo Yuusari

Don't think I'm gonna wish you a merry christmas but.. Merry Christmas.

Don't worry I totally didn't think you will so dun hurt me qwq
Merry Christmas o/
(I am so sorry it's so late I was away so I didn't check ask qwq)

Do you ever wonder how people explain you to people who don't know you and what do you think they'd say?

Hmmm maybe they'll go like: "Martin...ohhhh riiight him. He's boring most of the time and says terrible puns that make me puke."
Yeah prolly that
Liked by: Stranger


Language: English