

Go to google translator and convert the phrase "will Ariana Grande ever die" from English to Greek. Then copy the Greek translation and translate THAT BACK to English. One you do it comment your response . #arianator4life

Yay who is this

Latest answers from Maddennnn❤️✌️

wtf is that guy 5 questions below me lololol

The one that said I was Christian or the one that called me a Thot LOLOLOLOL

I love that you are Christian and not afraid to show it! Your bio lets people know that you are a Christian and I love that! And especially around the holiday season people need people like you <3 Love u girl


Who's your best friend in 6th grade? 7th grade? 8th grade?

7th~to many to name
8th~Miranda prob but idk

bread and butter...bread and butter...bread and butter...ayeeelove u sm


Language: English